Since 1988 Ron Alfin and his staff have asked the question.  “What would I want if I were a collector of postage stamps?”.  And so this business has been built to support the answers to this question.

Here are the highlights
  • An active trading club with LOW fees and no need for cash. 
  • Your submissions are placed into the club and you get 25% immediate credit available for the amount of your submissions.
  • The ability to submit material that is advertised country wide for an advertising fee of only 1% of the selling price.   
  • The ability to request a specific trading area for approvals priced below market. 
  • Many items are priced at 25% of scv. 
  • All items are priced below typical approval service.

Ron Alfin restricts his audience to assure personal service.  You will rarely see his advertising but he is active all the time.  Join in on the fun if you are an active collector. See my video here.

This web site will be expanded to include all info available.  For now Email  and request a Current Newsletter with offers from over 100 collectors at discounted prices and no postage costs if your order is over $25.  Most love this as many of the items are 1 or 2 cents per stamp.  MNH items by catalog number are also included.  Too much to describe.  Try it free.  Send your mailing address.

Club details and registration.  I can send this email so include your email address.  The club currently circulates over 10,000 sheets from all areas.
Approval details and registration.  I can send this email so include your email address.  This is a discounted approval service and a deposit is required to allow a mailing.  This deposit removes my due diligence of assuring you return your material.  Saving this overhead allows me to pass the savings on to you. 

A personal list of items to your want area for free.  Send me your want area email and I will tell you what is available at a discounted rate.  This does not include inventory from the club circuit sheets.   There are currently 23,000 items in a large data base and I will select items that meet your criteria.  

We take Master Charge, Visa, and Paypal as well as cash and checks. 

168 Eaglecrest Drive
Bluffton, SC 29909
Phone - 843 705 7960

There are additional fees for customers outside the United States.  Trading and approvals are not done outside the U.S.

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